7/17(Mon)單車失竊記(討論貧與貪.絕望與迷信.亂世與公權力.父子情) 超正點網站:http://www.culturevulture.net/Movies/BicycleThief.htm 超正點網站: http://rogerebert.suntimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/19990319/REVIEWS08/903190306/1023 The Bicycle Thief (1948) Golden Globe Award: Best Foreign Film - 1950 New York Film Critics Circle Award: Best Foreign Language Film - 1949 Suggested reading: The Companion to Italian Cinema (1996), Geoffrey Nowell-Smith Italian Film in the Light of Neorealism (1987) Millicent Joy Marcus Set in post-World War II Rome, The Bicycle Thief tells a simple story well, relying for its impact on gritty realism and emotional verity. There are no subplots, there are just a few key characters, the dialogue is the day-to-day talk of poor people struggling to survive - not the ingredients for heady debate over coffee after the movie. Still, it is a film one will not quickly forget. Director Vittorio de Sica pioneered a lean, stark presentation with nonprofessional actors. The style, with its subject matter based on hard postwar life, epitomizes Italian neorealism. Here we follow the fortune of Antonio, a family man whose wife pawns their household linens so that they can reclaim from the same pawnshop a bicycle that is required for a job he has been offered. Jobs are scarce and the family is poor; much depends on possession of the bike. The bicycle is stolen on Antonio's first day at work and he and his young son search the streets of Rome in hopes of recovering it. A series of frustrating episodes mark the day, tension and desperation growing as chances for recovering the bicycle, and with it, their dashed hopes, fade. The events of the day, from a confrontation with a suspect and his neighbors, to a respite with an ill afforded restaurant meal, to a visit to a fortune teller have a cumulative effect, deepening our understanding of, and feelings for, father and young son. Their humanity glows, even through their misery, and their despair becomes ours. 我最怕看的電影.又最愛看的電影 義大利-Ladri di biciclette 日本-螢火蟲之墓 台灣近代三部曲--無言的山丘, 稻草人, 香蕉天堂 戰爭..貧窮..動亂..痛苦..死亡..種種的威脅 讓人性赤裸裸攤在陽光下 看了 鐵心痛 鐵飆淚 鐵定不捨 ㄚ~~~ 我要好好珍惜我有的ㄧ切
7/18(Tue)黑暗中追夢(特殊族群的奮鬥) 超正點網站:http://www.wretch.cc/blog/yaocl&article_id=1880073 超正點網站:http://www.wretch.cc/blog/seanie&article_id=2098174 馥華網站:http://www.cherry.in-tw.com 有她的詩作跟近況..可留言鼓勵她 本片義賣所得. 全部作為多重障礙學生的教育基金   【黑暗中追夢】描述台灣三個多重障礙盲生,他們雖然有智障、自閉和重度殘障等缺陷,但卻具有令人驚異的特殊才能!經過彰化師大特殊教育教授萬明美,以12年時間追蹤他們的發展,並用兩年時間拍攝成紀錄片,請導演哥哥萬仁指導,找文化大學戲劇系的兒子林懷生掌鏡,將這三名「多重障礙異能者」拍得有笑、有淚。他們儘管無法和平常人一樣生活,卻依然能朝生命的出口勇敢摸索前進。   在這一小時的紀錄片裡,共分為三個段落。   「文貴的音樂夢」介紹21歲的文貴,因為早產導致全盲及重度智障,連簡單的算數都不會,更別說樂譜和樂理;但是,一首複雜的曲子,只要讓他聽過幾次,馬上就能用好幾種樂器彈奏出來!無論是鋼琴、二胡和爵士鼓,通通難不倒他,還能用小提琴模擬人的語言。   「偉智的火車夢」則是報導同在台中惠明學校學習的林偉智。他在七歲之前都不說話,一開口說話後就展現驚人的記憶力!儘管他全盲又自閉,卻對於火車有特殊的愛好與超能力。他能分辨剛經過火車的車次、車型等,還能快速回答在他有記憶之後的某年某月某日是星期幾,以及發生什麼事!他最大的心願,就是坐火車環島。   「馥華的作家夢」介紹的是21歲的莊馥華。10歲時的她因為火災受傷,吸入過多一氧化碳,導致失明、全身癱瘓,更無法說話;經由媽媽的協助,以擺動頭部、用「注音溝通板」與外界溝通,現在已經進步到可以用頭部的力量,敲打摩斯電碼!她目前創作了二百多首詩,不僅自己努力,還到處去鼓勵同樣身殘的人,不要氣餒。   您別看這三位主角足以被當成「勵志」的一面,本片也不販賣「廉價的光明」,但在它平實紀錄的背後,觀眾應可深刻感受到那份家人所背負的沉重酸楚、世俗的異樣眼光,以及師長與善心人士鍥而不捨的關懷、照護、鼓勵、再次爬起,讓您在觀賞之餘不禁感動落淚,並回過頭來反省自己的生活,有多麼的幸福。   本片的另一個祈願,是希望有更多的社會力量,來幫忙這些孩子和家庭。同時,當您看完本片之後,必定能深深感受---與他們相比,我們這群所謂的「正常人」,是否都忽略了生活的樂趣,與生命的重要性?我們除了「無病呻吟」,是否該有嶄新而積極的思維與作為? ************************************************************************** 〔自由時報記者郭怡君╱台北報導〕視障兼智障的呂文貴對音樂有「過耳不忘」的超強記憶力和演奏天才;視障、智障又自閉的林偉智只要搖一搖錄音帶就能知道名稱、還會背萬年曆;視障且全身癱瘓無法言語的莊馥華,用點頭方式寫出兩百多首詩。他們是台灣的雨人和海倫凱勒,靠著自身的努力和家人、老師的鼓勵,締造在「黑暗中追夢」的生命奇蹟。 以三位盲生為主角的「黑暗中追夢」紀錄片,源自萬明美主持國科會「盲多重障礙者專才特質群」研究計畫時,發現台灣某些具有多重障礙的盲生,呈現的特殊才能領域比國外文獻所記載的更多元,他們力爭上游的歷程更令人感動,便在資深導演哥哥萬仁的鼓勵下拍成紀錄片,作為推廣生命教育的教材,所有賣片收入將捐作多重障礙學生教育基金。 現年二十一歲的屏東排灣族原住民呂文貴是只在媽媽肚裡待六個多月就誕生的早產兒,先天全盲又智障,連「三加五」的簡單算數都不會,七歲被送到台中縣私立惠明學校就讀,十二歲第一次接觸到教會的電子琴,摸索沒多久就能無師自通將所聽過的歌曲演奏出來,學校老師這才發現他具備「絕對音感」,再複雜的曲子,他只要聽幾遍就能用多種樂器正確重複演奏。 十九歲的林偉智不但先天全盲、智障,還患有自閉症。他在七歲以前從未開口講話,走路不聽別人指揮,大小便也無法自理,在父母鍥而不捨帶他四處接受治療教育下才逐漸改善。 從小就愛到平交道聽火車聲音的他,對聲音的記憶和分辨力極強,他可以「聽」出火車的車種、車廂節數,家中錄音帶用手拿起來搖一搖,憑細微的鬆弛差異聲就能說出名稱,民國八十六年至明年的日期隨便抽一天問他星期幾,回答正確率達一百%。 二十一歲的莊馥華在小學四年級時因火災吸入過多一氧化碳,導致失明、全身癱瘓和無法咬字發聲,幸虧還保留敏銳的聽覺和超強的記憶力,讓她能跟外界溝通,受傷六年後她突然文思泉湧,這幾年靠著家人自創的「注音溝通板」和摩斯碼溝通輔具,以點頭碰撞方式一字字拼出兩百多首詩,獲多家報章雜誌刊登。 莊馥華的夢想是當一個把愛傳遍世界的勵志作家,卻因作答太慢,連續兩年報考大學落榜,紀錄片中她用幾乎聽不到的氣音賣力說出「我、想、念、大、學」的神情,觀者很難不為她的毅力動容。 呂文貴 不會算術的音樂天才〔記者郭怡君╱台北報導〕因為視障,他無法看樂譜,更因智障無法摸懂盲人用的點字譜,卻能靠著聽覺和觸覺,學會電子琴、鋼琴、小提琴、爵士鼓、笛子、口琴等多種樂器,還能用小提琴模仿出「大家好,我是呂文貴,我住在屏東縣三地門」的自我介紹聲音,過人的演奏天賦讓呂文貴成為私立惠明學校到民間社團和監獄表演的台柱,感動許多角頭大哥。 呂文貴出身原住民低收入家庭,父母長期在外打工,由老邁的祖母負責照顧六位孫兒,因呂文貴的弟弟騎單車摔落山谷身亡,祖母怕視障又重度智障的文貴出事,就把他關在家裡不准出門,長期孤立隔離讓他的人際溝通發展相當困難。除了音樂話題,至今仍無法正常與人對話,別人叫他要努力,他會反問:「努力?是不是要吃牡蠣?」 問呂文貴三加五等於多少,他歪著頭從三十五一直數到四十,最後回答「等於十」,讓老師哭笑不得。但一碰到樂器,他馬上變為望塵莫及的天才,惠明學校校長陳麗玉說,文貴的音樂功力已經可以當其他盲生的老師,他用自創的方式教其他同學彈琴和打鼓,幫不少盲生建立自信。 與呂文貴同齡的莊馥華,因火災導致全身癱瘓、失去視力和說話能力後,靠著莊媽媽的耐心教導,在她枕邊念許多文學作品,終於讓莊馥華心中的文學種子在受傷六年後開花結果,寫出「我的身軀雖然被困在一個小小的所在,我的心卻像一隻彩蝶飛舞在青草地上」等詩句,在彰化師大特教系教授萬明美的引薦下,她到彰化大學國文系和英語系旁聽文學相關課程,朝作家的路邁進。 有意購買「黑暗中追夢」紀錄片協助多重障礙教育,可電洽台中縣私立惠明學校:(04)25661024轉220。
7/19(Wed)神鬼奇航2(介紹演員強尼戴普,及代表作品 Jack Sparrow) 超正點網站:http://disney.go.com/disneypictures/pirates/ Depp says he likes to portray Sparrow as "sexually ambiguous" and that he is probably bisexual Personality Captaincy Sparrow has an unwavering desire to captain the Black Pearl and only the Black Pearl, and the majority of his actions in the first film are simply the means to this end. His desire is demonstrated in his willingness to barter for it — he offers his subordination and 25% of his pirates’ earnings to Captain Barbossa should Sparrow be given back his command, although it could have been only a ploy to convince Barbossa he was on his side. As Sparrow explains to Elizabeth, "what a ship is — what the Black Pearl really is — is freedom." In Dead Man's Chest, it's established that Jack literally sold his soul for the Pearl and is rightly its Captain; still, when they're forced to abandon ship, Sparrow tells Gibbs, "She's only a ship, mate." Demeanor Sparrow's most obvious characteristic is a slightly drunken stagger, accompanied by awkwardly flailing hand gestures that make him look unfocused (or possibly slightly ataxic). These could result from the heat stroke he was rumored to have suffered while marooned, though he actually spent that time cavorting with the rum runners who helped him escape. Sparrow's gestures are also believed to be a ploy to help keep his enemies off-guard. His perpetual drunkenness could also lead to his tendency to slur his speech. Jack possesses a distinctive tattoo on his right forearm of a sparrow flying in front of a setting sun over the ocean. This is apparently a well-known identifying mark for the infamous pirate as Commodore Norrington seemed to recognize it immediately. He also had the letter "P" (for pirate) branded on his right wrist by the East India Trading Company. Whilst playing with a P brand Cutler Beckett later mentions in the second film that he and Sparrow had "marked" one another at some point, while Beckett's "mark" is presumably the "P" brand, exactly how Jack marked Beckett is as of yet unknown. But Beckett does bear a "P" brand on his arm as well if you look closely. Jack's effects Jack carries a number of items on his person at all times (including his tricorne, pistol, sword, and coat, collectively known as "his effects"), most notably his compass. Apparently received in a barter (or quite possibly stolen) from the voodoo doctress Tia Dalma, Jack's compass points towards whatever the person holding it desires most, instead of the usual behavior of pointing North. Generally, it points to a treasure or valuable item, but it can also point to people, and works for anyone who picks it up and even while untouched on the ground, as evidenced in Dead Man's Chest. This could be an memory imprint of the compass — it may remember what the last person to touch it wanted, and continues to point at it until another picks it up. Jack's compass appears to fail him at the start of the second film; however, it works later for Elizabeth because she is focused on saving Will. Jack convinces her that the only way to do that is by finding the Dead Man's Chest. Later, when the compass is held by Elizabeth, it points towards Jack, leading her to complain that the compass is broken. She sits down in the sand and, when Jack looks at the compass on the ground, it points towards Elizabeth; he says, "You're sitting on it", and motions for her to move off the spot. After the single-shot pistol that he intended to use to kill Barbossa, Jack's hat seems to be his most beloved object. When it is in his possession he is never seen without it, and he always makes specific mention of it when discussing "his effects". In a comedic turn of events, Jack loses his tricorne during the beginning of the second film and his command to leave it behind surprises the crew to such an extent that they are struck motionless; the hat is eaten by the Kraken soon afterwards. Jack spends the length of the film searching for an adequate replacement, at one point stopping a pub fight to try on many of the fighters' tricornes. He eventually regains it towards the end of the movie when it is spat out by the Kraken prior to his ingestion. Traits While atypical for a pirate, Sparrow is also known for his altruistic nature; he often puts himself in harm's way to save other people, most notably Will and Elizabeth. The film's script suggests Jack's kindness is part of the reason why his crew mutinied—when Jack offers a nonviolent way to find a piece of the cursed Aztec gold on the Navy ship Interceptor, Barbossa claims, "Now, y'see Jack, that's exactly the attitude that lost you the Pearl. People are easier to search when they're dead." Additionally, he appears highly adept at employing game theory to achieve his ends. Jack believes himself to be a ladies' man, explaining that he has an "intuitive sense of the female creature"; however, he is seemingly unable to commit to a long-term relationship. Jack is presented as adept at sweeping ladies off their feet—once (women seem to have a sour memory of Sparrow, slapping him or anyone looking for him). Jack apparently suffers from extremely bad breath. He caused Norrington to take a step back when he got a little close, and made Governor Swann gag at the end of the first film. (On the DVD commentary, Gore Verbinski quoted his breath resembling, "the inside of a donkey's ass.") When he attempted to romantically approach Elizabeth during Dead Man's Chest, she noted various things that made them different people, including "personal hygiene". According to the audio commentary featuring the scriptwriters on the DVD for the first Pirates film, while Jack's swordplay is formidable in its own right, Sparrow is the least talented in comparison with Turner, Barbossa, and Norrington, relying on his wits more than his swordplay to get himself out of tough situations. The sparrow tattoo was a symbol used historically by sailors to show off their sailing experience. It was the image of a bluebird, or "sparrow," usually tattooed on the chest. A sailor with one sparrow had traveled over 5,000 nautical miles; a sailor with two sparrows had traveled 10,000 miles. Traveling these great distances was extremely difficult and dangerous in the early days of sailing, so one or more sparrow tattoos denoted a very experienced and valuable sailor. In the last 25 to 35 years, people have begun to place sparrow tattoos on their necks for the sake of nostalgia, not for any symbolic meaning; the world of sailing has changed dramatically since sparrow tattoos first came into being. Jack the monkey Jack the monkey, with Captain BarbossaThe monkey, Jack (after Jack Sparrow), is a fictional Capuchin monkey in the movie Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl. He was Captain Barbossa's pet and sailed with him aboard the Black Pearl. Like the rest of the crew, Jack was cursed so that he couldn't die, and turned skeletal in the moonlight. He was named, mockingly, after Pearl's former master, Captain Jack Sparrow.
7/19(Wed)長毛狗(笑死我~好好玩) 超正點網站: http://disney.go.com/disneyvideos/liveaction/shaggydog/
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