i like the play very much, it was a romantic comedy talking about true love and i agree several lines in the play. the most touching one is that "True love never makes one suffer" i know it very certainly, and i believe it won't hurt anymore when u got it.. so i made it as the headline of this article..^^ i am so glad that i came to see the show tonight which helps me make sure the desicion i made was right what i did before was great, and i got more courage to face the future i am curious how this scriptwriter can design and describe the plot so well the relationship between Aron & Catherine in the last story is so complicated that the apprentice of Cupid can't understand it at all however, i can. Seated in the frist row, i felt my heart beating fast. Watching the show, i felt my tears almost dropping down. Thinking of the plot, i recalled some memories i buried long time ago. anyway, Aron in the show did it right, and so did i ....in my true life.. all players in the show performed greatly, especially my student老媽 i am so proud of her... here is VCR... http://www.im.tv/VLOG/personal.asp?Memid=373649&FID=594257
梨.板妹.琬甄.Ariel.AV.老媽.小美.牛奶.凱德王. 依照大頭由左而右出現的順序.. (七逃郎子軒不入鏡..所以叫他負責幫忙拍照) 在火車站等琬甄時..先繞過去小Bo家找人.. 心想 如果她知道有英劇怎麼可能不去看..要去看怎麼可能沒call我.. 原來這小妮子去綠島度假了..哼哼 看到琬甄好開心.. 我開玩笑的跟她說 天公疼憨人..神經超大條的她..嘿嘿嘿的笑著..今古椎.. 她的傷口短短一個月..復原這麼快.真是奇蹟.. 不過兩個近期出過車禍的人..一起待在同一封閉交通工具.. 挺不安.. 況且司機又是我 就算琬甄神經再大條..碼西ㄟ驚.. 好在不遠..嘿嘿嘿.. 這麼多人去看老媽演戲..果然是我的317寶貝兒 心中好感動... 就連子軒都到了..小BO人在綠島play...還派代表出席阿..哈!.. 遠遠看到他真是讓我傻眼..江湖上的大哥也會去看英劇阿? 他額頭上白白一塊.. 我以為他又飆車飆到受傷 正想過去訓一頓 阿~ 這臭小鬼 染髮... 阿後...... give ur grandma remember.. 精采大戲結束之後.. 一群人迫不及待到後台找老媽 只看到一隻紅色狂牛朝著我衝過來 狂親又狂抱 狂哭又狂笑 像男人像狂牛更像厲鬼 衣服紅紅..嘴唇紅紅..眼睛紅紅..親得我臉頰也紅紅..搞得一群人都紅了眼眶 大家一直聊天..聊到捨不得走.. 不是寒假才聚過? 好像很久以前了.. 阿~ 老媽怎麼上了高中比以前更愛哭阿~ 害得AV也哭得亂七八糟~ 愛哭鬼小梨也出落得更漂亮了~^^..好想她唷... 雖哭 不過 鑫好高興 心好快樂
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