最佳電影...casablanca... 2006年4月6日,美國作家協會宣佈,電影《卡薩布蘭卡》的劇本在協會首次評出的101部最佳電影劇本名單中位列榜首。《卡薩布蘭卡》劇本是由朱利葉斯·愛潑斯坦、菲力浦·愛潑斯坦兩兄弟以及愛德華·科赫合寫的。這是1942年奧斯卡最佳影片《卡薩布蘭卡》的劇照,亨弗萊·鮑嘉(左)與英格麗·褒曼分別擔任男女主角。新華社發 CASABLANCA;1942年,導演麥可寇蒂斯榮獲奧斯卡最佳導演獎、令全球影痴終生難忘的浪漫諜報片。亨佛萊鮑嘉與英格麗褒曼這對完美組合形成又酷又有氣質的致命吸引力,鮑嘉在卡薩布蘭加的俱樂部與分手的戀人英格麗相逢,亂世情鴛陷于間諜陰謀暗潮洶涌的局勢中,戀人間的真愛與效忠國家的抉擇,諜對諜的演技與眼神布下無窮張力。終場,大時代兒女在機場道別的戲是劃時代的電影經典鏡頭;這首主題曲《時光飛逝》曾由黑人男歌手杜利威爾森配唱,帕爾曼的演奏版本更有舊夢重溫,為經典加分的效果。 http://flamesky.org/music/trackwma/John%20Williams/Cinema%20Serenade%202/07-Casablanca.wma *************************************************************************** 最佳歌曲...Casablanca.. I fell in love with you watching Casablanca Back row of the drive-in show in the flickering light Popcorn and cokes beneath the stars Became champagne and caviar Making love on a long hot summer's night I thought you fell in love with me watching Casablanca Holding hands 'neath the paddle fans In Rick's candle lit cafe Hiding in the shadows from the spies Moroccan moonlight in your eyes Making magic at the movies in my old Chevrolet Oh a kiss is still a kiss in Casablanca But a kiss is not a kiss without your sigh Please come back to me in Casablanca I love you more and more each day as time goes by I guess there're many broken hearts in Casablanca You know I've never really been there so I don't know I guess our love story will never be seen On the big wide silver screen But it hurt just as bad when I had to watch you go
最佳城市..casablanca This image shows an area of 16km from east to west and 15km from north to south, centered on Casablanca city, enlarged four times the original size. It is located in the northwestern tip of the African Continent and is the biggest city in the Moroccan Kingdom with a population of about 3 million. The port facilities boast of being Africa's biggest, where huge freighters, passesger ships, and fishing boats are plying frequently. The streets extending in radiating directions from Mohammed V Squere can be seen. Cazes Airport in the southwestern suburbs is equipped with one of the world's first class facilities. The neighboring area to the northwest of Mohammed V is old Medina, an ancient part of town. Built by Arabians who invaded here in the seventh century, it is surrounded by thick castle walls, with narrow alleys where people can barely pass each other, and also has a crowded shopping mall (Souk). The white spot across this area is the great mosque of Hassan II. This whiteness may come from the reflection from white marble used in the great mosque and the neiboring buildings. The Minaret in this mosque is 200m high, making it about the world's highest. A new downtown to the east of old Medina has developed rapidly into a modern city since it become a French colony in 1907, in contrast to that of old downtown. I wonder how Humphrey Bogart walked in this town. Casablanca (Spanish for "white house" ; Standard Arabic: الدار البيضاء transliterated ad-Dār al-Bayḍāʼ; Moroccan Arabic: dar beïda; Berber: "Taddart Tashemlalt") is a city in western Morocco, located on the Atlantic Ocean. It is the capital of the Grand Casablanca region. With a population of 3.5 million (September 2004 census), Casablanca is Morocco's biggest city; also it is the chief port, and is thus considered the economic capital, although Morocco's official capital and seat of government is Rabat. Casablanca is located at 33°32′N 7°35′W. ************************************************************************** 因為有摩洛哥的Casablanca這城市 所以有了這一部感人電影 因為這一部感人電影 所以有人寫了一曲動聽的歌 因為這一首動聽的歌 不知道憾動多少人 不知道多少的男男女女 因為有關Casablanca的電影歌曲被繫在一起了 即使遠在北非的城市 也深深影響著我們 Butterfly effect? 哈!^^... 這是我一直以來..很喜歡的一首歌.. 溫和的旋律 感傷的歌詞 呼應著電影的台詞 聽到歌曲..就會想起電影情節.. 我來翻譯一下好了 **************************************************************************
看著Casablanca這部電影時,我愛上了你。 當時汽車電影院的後排光影閃爍 在星光下,爆米花和可樂 變成了香檳和魚子醬 我倆在漫長而炎熱的夏夜裡親熱著 看著Casablanca這部電影時,我以為你愛上了我 在燭光搖曵的Rick(電影男主角名)咖啡館裡的吊扇下牽著手 我們躲在聚光燈照不到的陰影裡 你的眼裡映著摩洛哥的月光 隨著電影在我倆老舊的雪佛蘭(車名)裡製造神奇 (18禁...馬賽克) 噢,電影裡的親吻依舊 但沒有你的嘆息,吻已不成吻 請回到我身邊,Casablanca (這裡應該是指一起看電影Casablanca的那時光.以及電影情節中的那城市Casablanca) 隨著時光消逝,我一天比一天更愛你 我猜,在Casablanca那城市有很多被傷透的心 你知道我從未到過哪兒 因此,我不明白 我想,我倆的愛情故事絕不會被演成電影 但當我不得不看著你離去,我也感受到那股傷痛 隨著時間消逝,我一天比一天愛你~ (as time goes by 在電影中是很重要的一首主題曲..男主角自彈自唱..it's also a memorable quote in the movie)
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